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Showing posts from August, 2012

How Drug Possession Weight is Calculated in Florida

Mike Riggs  recently commented regarding Florida's drug possession laws reporting about a person in Florida who was fired from his job due to what he, and one person in possession of LSD , deem to be a mandatory minimum within the drug law.  The "inordinate mandatory minimum" within the drug law that he wrote upon, dealt with the medium in which the LSD was fixed.  In this case, he had or roughly 25 doses of LSD fixed to paper, which would weigh, without the paper, 4-5 milligrams.  I do not know how the e-mailer exactly got away with his claim that this was just a small quantity of LSD, however because it was fixed in a medium, he qualified for a mandatory minimum sentence under the guidelines.  Even though 25 doses isn't necessarily a "small" amount of LSD in the eyes of an average jury, it had a devastating effect on his life which was out of proportion to his crime. This raised an interesting comment made by Greg Newburn of FAMM (Families Against Man